Call of Duty 4 - Crash to Desktop - Segmentation fault

Alles rund um WINE, Cedega & CrossOver Games

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Call of Duty 4 - Crash to Desktop - Segmentation fault

Beitragvon redplug » 30.07.2009, 15:50

Ich hab CoD4 installiert und es Startet auch mehr oder weniger. Ich sehe den CoD4 Splash Screen und dann wird der Bildschirm Schwarz und ich sehe wieder meinen Desktop.
Das einzige was in der Konsole steht ist: Segmentation fault

Ich Starte das Spiel aus dem Programmverzeichnis mit wine "iw3sp.exe" $@

Debug Level ist auch schon auf -all
Hat wer ne Idee?

PS: Ich hab wine 1.0.1 drauf
Zuletzt geändert von redplug am 30.07.2009, 17:30, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 18.07.2009, 21:30
Lizenz: CC
Distribution: Ubuntu 9.10
Kernelversion: 2.6.31-20-generic

Beitragvon redplug » 30.07.2009, 17:25

Das Problem habe ich gelöst nach diese Anleitung:

[quote=WineHQ]I play cod4 with the most graphic settings set to high with a minimum of fps of 30 and maximum reached 70. I hope this can help you.

My Hardware:


- CPU: Intel Core 2 duo E6600 Conroe

- RAM: 4GB Kingston DDR2 PC2-8500 CAT 5-5-5-15


My Graphic Game settings ingame: all set at maximum except for:

- Synceveryframe: no

- Dual Video Cards: no

- depth of field: no

- soften smoke edges: no

OS: Ubuntu intrepid 8.10 64 bit

Kernel 2.6.27-14.30

My Wine version: 1.1.18

My graphic drivers: Nvidia 180.44 beta (also working with stable 180.29 drivers)

My audio drivers: alsa drivers 1.0.19 (this version improves a lot fps rate)


Install the last version of wine (use the repos you find in the official site

Download Winetricks (from console type “wget [url]”[/url])

Install with Winetricks the DirectX9 (from console go in the directory where you have downloaded winetricks and then type “sh winetricks directx9”)

Install COD4 and patches until 1.7

run winecfg and set:

- OS version: Windows XP

- In 3D settings Vertex Shader Support: Hardware and set Allow Pixel Shader

- In Audio settings set alsa drivers; Hardware acceleration full; sample rate 44100; bit per sample 16;

unset driver emulation


on console run “wine regedit” and then:

- in HKEY_CURRENT_USER-Software-Wine create, if its doesnt already exists, a new key named Direct3D

- in Direct3D create the following strings with teh following values:

string: DirectDrawRenderer value: opengl

string: Nonpower2Mode value: repack

string: OffscreenRenderingMode value: fbo

string: RenderTargetLockMode value: auto

string: UseGLSL value: readtex

string: VideoMemorySize value: (memory size of your graphic card)

Stefano Petullà [/quote]
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 18.07.2009, 21:30
Lizenz: CC
Distribution: Ubuntu 9.10
Kernelversion: 2.6.31-20-generic

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