Theres a TON of (mis)information out there that is touting the demise of PCLinuxOS and other such erroneous statements. To combat this, Im making a nice little Q&A for everyone so that they are up to date on information having to do with PCLinuxOS.
Ive been in touch with Texstar and the ripper gang as well as all of those involved with the website design/administration and I can assure you 100% that PCLinuxOS is NOT dying. It is NOT going away. It is NOT gasping its last breath. So, lets get on with the Q&A:
I cant get to the PCLinuxOS Help Forum! How do I get help with my hardware/software problems?!?
The PCLinuxOS Help Forums are temporarily at post any help questions at this site rather than MyPCLinuxOS. Thanks for your continuing support of PCLinuxOS and come back here to join in our community projects.
What is the big problem? How can a distro like PCLinuxOS have so many server problems?
Interesting that you should ask

PCLinuxOS as you know has grown leaps and bounds since the early part of last year. The website and forums are done by volunteers from many different countries. All funding for the distribution is done through donations...that means webhosting is paid for by donations as well.
As some of you may recall, a few months ago had the rug pulled out from under them by their previous host and the server was shut down without warning. It was then that they began shopping around for a host. I recommended they went with my host and they did...the only problem was that a few days ago, they outgrew this host

This is a good thing and a bad thing. Its good because it means that the community is growing at a phenomenal rate. But its a bad thing because we took down the webpage due to the increased interest. In the meantime, Tex and the gang have decided to put up a brochure type webpage with static HTML to operate as an information portal while they continue to work on PCLinuxOS 2007. Please stay tuned as Test Release 4 will be out soon followed quickly by the full release.
Please refrain from emailing Tex and the gang with requests as to what is going on. See this webpage and My.PCLinuxOS website for any further announcements.
Ok, so that explains the webpage...what about the ibiblio update server? Lets see you explain that one...

So, in the best time that could possibly be conceived, ibiblio had a hardware failure with one of their servers...specifically, one that has PCLinuxOS on it. There has been a major problem at ibiblio. A Raid Array has "fritzed" (their words), and new hardware has to be bought. This has resulted in the disappearance of all but about 6 distros from the ibiblio mirrors. Once the equipment has been replaced, our repository will be back up. A particular problem faced is that all our other mirrors around the world sync off ibiblio. Youll still be able to add software from them, but the content will be static for a short while until ibiblio sort out their problem.
The announcement from the ibiblio mailing list : its just a coincidence that ibiblio and went down?
Really? Are you telling us the truth?
Yes, Really. Things happen and from time to time, the planets align just right and make things happen at the same time. Were working around the clock to make things 100% again.
So, what happens next?
Next on the horizon is funding a host. Its evident that since quickly outgrew its host (not a bandwidth issue...its a CPU utilization issue...were going to need our own server) it will need to have funding for a permanent host. If you or your company would like to sponsor the project by providing hosting services for it please post your offer at the temporary forums, specifically this thread . If youd like to donate to, please do so by clicking on the following link:
Donate via Amazon to to assist with hosting.
After a round of donations are tallied, Tex and the gang will find hosting they can move to and a revamped and optimized site will be launched. However, before any of this happens, Test Release 4 will be pushed out the door. Rest assured that Tex and the gang are working on the 2007 release and leaving the host hunting up to other members of the team.
Is the PASS repository Server still up and running for those who donate?
Up and running, 100% operational
So, what if my question wasnt answered here? What if I have a tidbit of information to share?
Please add your question/information to the discussion thread on this topic in the forums. Remember that you must be a registered member of our community to post here.
PLEASE BE ADVISED, I will be updating this Q&A as further questions and more information become available. What I know, you will Davecs said in an email with Tex and the gang, "That which doesnt kill you will only make you stronger

" Lets use this time as a time to rally around PCLinuxOS. Make it a time where we can come to aid the distro we love by donating some loose change to help them with their hosting woes.
On behalf of the administrators of,