AMD/ATI Catalyst 9.6 erschienen

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AMD/ATI Catalyst 9.6 erschienen

Beitragvon ChemicalBrother » 16.06.2009, 12:25


Immer noch keine neue Kernel-Unterstützung (2.6.29 fehlt weiterhin jede Spur [außer halt durch Patches], von 2.6.30 braucht man gar nicht erst reden).

ACHTUNG! Dieser Treiber unterstützt nur noch HD Karten (und entsprechende Mobility-Karten; siehe auch Release Notes)!

-> Release Notes (PDF)

Download (89.3 MB)

[url=]Installations How-To im Wiki[/url]

Eine Bitte: Wer kann, kann mal bitte die Abschnitte (sofern nötig) im Wiki für den Ati-Treiber aktualisieren. Ich selbst kann nur (und trage) für Arch Linux und Ubuntu Rechnung tragen (und dort ist das Wiki schon entsprechend angepasst. Bei Ubuntu schon für Jaunty 9.04).

Neue Eigenschaften:
- SLED and SLED 11 production support
- RHEL 4.8 early look support
- Enables Xinerama in single or multiple configurations up to four GPUs
- Supported on any combination of the ATI Radeon™ HD 4000, ATI Radeon™ 3000 Series and ATI Radeon™ 2000 Series of graphics cards

Behobene Probleme:
- With desktop effects enabled, transparent desktop no longer causes desktop icons and application windows to disappear
- Video playback no longer exhibits corruption when desktop effects are enabled and Composite is not explicitly disabled
- [Ubuntu 8.10] System now functions properly when starting X on surround view systems
- Resizing DVD playback window on Mplayer no longer causes blank video
- System instability no longer occurring when switching to full screen DVD playback with Totem Player
- Terminal window no longer displays error message when launching Catalyst Control Center in MultiView
- [Ubuntu 9.04] Xserver now starts properly with ATI Radeon HD 4870 GPU configurations
- [Ubuntu 9.04] When xrandr --prop is evoked, Xserver failure no longer occurs under various system configurations
- The engine clock and memory clock values are now reported properly by ATI CAL

Bekannte Probleme:
- Some systems may report no CrossFire™ adapters available during driver re-install
- Starting X with a second hotplugged display may cause segmentation fault
- System may stop responding when running Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
- [SUSE11] The display might not turn off while disabling the output
- On some multi-monitor configurations, disabling one display may cause both displays to become disabled X Server may intermittently fail to start on some multi adapter configurations
- On some multi monitor configurations the mouse cursor may fail to render when moved to secondary displays
- [Ubuntu 9.04] Segmentation fault may occur with X server Xinerama is enabled

Kommentar: Na ja, wäre mal nett, wenn Ati mal in die Puschen kommt. Zur Zeit sind das ja nur Bugfix-Releases. :(
Beiträge: 5332
Registriert: 21.08.2006, 21:17
Wohnort: Langen
Lizenz: CC
Distribution: Arch Linux
Kernelversion: 6.0

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