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Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 26.04.2008, 22:48

Version 0.7.6 von OpenArena ist da und bringt folgende änderungen:

- New player model : Assassin. This guy kills for greed.
- New player model : Space Marine. This guy serves his Corps. In SPACE.
- New player skin : Angelyss/Neko. Mew!!!!!! :3
- New player skin : Grism/Indigo. A homage of that other game.
- Ayumi/Neko, Angelyss/Sly have been atticed due to quality reasons.
- Text font (bigchars.tga) used by console and hud messages now doesnt bleed anymore.
- Special characters added for text font (bigchars.tga) used by some mods. If youve ever encountered a "?" where it shouldnt be in a mod, this should really fix it
- lots of maps and changed maps, at least 8 new significant maps to play! This includes the reworked oa_dm3 and oa_dm5.
- oa_ctf2 is more balanced, slightly retextured.
- Elimination and CTF elimination game types. No one respawns until the round is over.
- Double domination game type. Two teams must control two points on the map for 10 seconds to score.
- Last Man Standing game type. The name of the game is self explanatory.
- Instant Gib option, gives everyone only a railgun that does kills instantly.
- All Rockets option, makes everyone only have a rocket launcher.
- Alt-tab working.
- Unlagged tracehits option, provides a more responsive feel for railguns, machineguns and shotguns.
- Classic Grism arent teamskins anymore. This means the white skin will not show up during team games. In addition, the skins can be used for FFA again.
- Completely in SDL.
- A lot of other stuff we forgot like minor polishings. Theres lots of it and too many to mention here.

[url=]Zum Wiki Artikel[/url]
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 30.05.2008, 17:56

Version 0.7.7:

- Fixed "Getting stuck bug"
- Fixed logging bug
- Fixed UI crash
- Fixed overflow in Multiplayer list + Some of beasts changes to server list (longer names)
- Instantgib and All rockets disabled during single player startup
- Clears nextmap after single player
- Windows only: new SDL.dll allows Caps Lock and Num Lock to be used as keys.
- Using protocol number 69, this should only now show servers running 0.7.7 (In other words, no more lotsofservers with invalid game folder error)
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

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