Bekomme nichts mit Wine zum laufen

Alles rund um WINE, Cedega & CrossOver Games

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Beitragvon Felix » 06.03.2007, 18:31

Jetzt habe ich auch mal eine Fehlermeldung bekommen, ich habe das Terminal aus dem Grafikfehler herausgezogen, die Fehlermeldung war nur unter dem Grafikfehler.

Code: Alles auswählen
err:wave:DSDB_MapBuffer Could not map sound device for direct access (Input/output error)

err:wave:DSDB_MapBuffer Please run winecfg, open "Audio" page and set "Hardware Acceleration" to "Emulation".

Das habe ich auf einen zettel geschrieben, da ich Wine nur dadurch beenden konnte, dass ich das Terminal beendet habe. Anschließend habe ich die Einstellung umgestellt und sihe da, dass Spiel startete ohne Alt + F4 mit Ton, allerdings nur einen Sekundenbruchteil des introfilms, der sehr zerhackt hängt und dann bleibt der ganze PC hängen. Ich musste ihn eben per Knopfdruck neu starten, um ihn aus seiner Lage zu befreien.
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Felix » 06.03.2007, 19:18

Nach ziemlich langem googlen hab ich was gefunden:

Der letzte Kommentar scheint mein Problem zu sein, ich versuchs auch nochmal mit oss.
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Felix » 06.03.2007, 19:22

Hm, es steht schon auf OSS, ich habe jetzt die Abtastrate gesenkt, aber wieder disen Fehler beim Betreten des Audio-Menüs bekommen:

Code: Alles auswählen
ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory
ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Felix » 06.03.2007, 19:31

Stell ich es auf ALSA, so kommt, während das Spiel startet und wenn ich in winecfg gehe ein einziges Mal diese Fehlermeldung und das Spiel hat Ton, bleibt aber sofort zu Beginn des ersten Filmes mit einem Standbild hängen. Ohne ausgewählten Treiber funktioniert es gar nicht. Ich scheine also ein Treiberproblem zu haben, kann mir vielleicht jemand den inhalt der Fehlermeldung erklären, damit ich nach einer Lösung googlen kann? Meiner Meinung nach wird da am flaschen Ort nach irgendeinem Ordner gesucht.
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 06.03.2007, 19:34

Schau dir mal "FreeCnC" an klick

Damit kann man "C&C" und "AR1" nativ laufen lassen.
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon Felix » 07.03.2007, 00:09

Ah, cool, danke, auch wenn es momentan nirgends runterladen geht, ich habe nur die Quellcodes zum Download gefunden.
Aber trotzdem muss ich ja irgendwie mein Soundproblem lösen, dass sonst wahrscheinlich in jedem programm auftritt, da es generell nicht funktioniert. Soll ich vielleicht einfach den ordner, den es immer sucht leer anlegen, falls es ihn nur sucht um darin zu schreiben, oder müsste darin eine Bibliothek sein?
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Felix » 08.03.2007, 21:31

Ich finde immer noch keinen Download von FreeCNC, ich hab die sources, aber unter den Installationsordnern für Linux stehen nur drei Konfigurationsdateien, kann man die irgendwie mit einem Installer öffnen?
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 08.03.2007, 21:36

Es gibt nur die source dafür die du herunterladen solltest und danach die Readme lesen :)
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon Felix » 08.03.2007, 23:13

Hm, da stehen aber nur Änderungen und Fehler drin, in einer anderen Textdatei steht noch, dass ich einen c++ Compiler brauche, aber wo sind die Dateien, die ich damit umwandeln soll?
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 08.03.2007, 23:26

Im Ordner ist doch ganz dick und fett eine Datei Names "INSTALL.txt" , da steht alles was du Wissen musst :)

Wenn du keine Ahnung vom kompilieren hast empfehle ich dir mal diese lektüre:

Software aus dem Quellcode Installieren
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon Felix » 09.03.2007, 00:03

Also ich hab mich an die wiki Anleitung gehalten und nur Seitenweise Fehler bei jeder Funktion kassiert und jetzt einen doc Ordner aber mehr auch nicht, da alles schief gelaufen ist, da es zu nichts die benötigten Informationen hatte oder in der Lage war. Ich hab nichtmal eine auführbare Datei. Soll ichs nochmal durchführen und die ganzen Fehlermeldungen hier posten?
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 09.03.2007, 00:11

Zitat aus der INSTALL.txt:

"Run make in the freecnc directory. This should produce an executable called
freecnc and some developer tools (audplay, shpview, tmplinied)."

Code: Alles auswählen
sudo apt-get install build-essential

2. Per Konsole in den Programmordner

3. "make" in die Konsole tippen

4. Bei Fehlern entsprechende pakete nachinstallieren. In der Konsole steht meist immer was fehlt und zutun ist.

(5. Hier posten was falsch ist)
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon Felix » 09.03.2007, 17:36

Das kam alles beim make als Fehler, weiter hab ich jetzt erstmal gar nicht gemacht:

Code: Alles auswählen
make -C src
/bin/sh: --cflags: not found
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis /home/felix/freecnc++/src
g++ -Wall -Werror -g   -std=c++98 -Wconversion -W -Wno-unused -c freecnc.cpp -o freecnc.o -I./include  -I./include/lua
freecnc.cpp:13:17: error: SDL.h: No such file or directory
In file included from freecnc.cpp:15:
./include/common.h:5:23: error: SDL_types.h: No such file or directory
In file included from freecnc.cpp:16:
./include/config.h:6:23: error: SDL_video.h: No such file or directory
./include/config.h:7:24: error: SDL_keysym.h: No such file or directory
In file included from freecnc.cpp:18:
./include/graphicsengine.h:9:17: error: SDL.h: No such file or directory
In file included from freecnc.cpp:21:
./include/soundengine.h:9:23: error: SDL_audio.h: No such file or directory
./include/soundengine.h:10:23: error: SDL_mixer.h: No such file or directory
In file included from ./include/vfs.h:8,
                 from freecnc.cpp:22:
./include/../vfs/archive.h:5:23: error: SDL_types.h: No such file or directory
./include/common.h:87: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/common.h:91: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/common.h:110: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/common.h:111: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/common.h:112: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/common.h:113: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/common.h:118: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/common.h:119: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/config.h:12: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/config.h:21: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/config.h:22: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/config.h:23: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/config.h:27: error: ‘SDL_GrabMode’ does not name a type
./include/config.h:28: error: ‘SDLKey’ does not name a type
./include/config.h:29: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/config.h:30: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/game.h:20: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/message.h:14: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/message.h:27: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/message.h:33: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/message.h: In constructor ‘Message::Message(const char*, int)’:
./include/message.h:17: error: ‘class Message’ has no member named ‘deltime’
./include/message.h: At global scope:
./include/message.h:41: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘SDL_Surface’ with no type
./include/message.h:41: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/message.h:49: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘SDL_Surface’ with no type
./include/message.h:49: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/graphicsengine.h:23: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/graphicsengine.h:27: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/graphicsengine.h:31: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘SDL_Rect’ with no type
./include/graphicsengine.h:31: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/graphicsengine.h:35: error: expected `; before ‘void’
./include/graphicsengine.h:35: error: ‘SDL_Surface’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:42: error: ‘SDL_Surface’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:45: error: ‘SDL_Rect’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:46: error: ‘SDL_Rect’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:46: error: ‘SDL_Rect’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:48: error: ‘Sint16’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:48: error: ‘Sint16’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:49: error: ‘Sint16’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:49: error: ‘Sint16’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:49: error: ‘Uint16’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:49: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/graphicsengine.h:50: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘SDL_Surface’ with no type
./include/graphicsengine.h:50: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/graphicsengine.h:51: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘SDL_Surface’ with no type
./include/graphicsengine.h:51: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/graphicsengine.h:52: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/graphicsengine.h:53: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/graphicsengine.h:54: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/graphicsengine.h:55: error: ‘SDL_Rect’ does not name a type
./include/graphicsengine.h:58: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/graphicsengine.h:59: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/graphicsengine.h:62: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Uint8’ with no type
./include/graphicsengine.h:62: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/graphicsengine.h:64: error: ‘Uint32’ was not declared in this scope
./include/graphicsengine.h:64: error: template argument 1 is invalid
./include/graphicsengine.h:64: error: template argument 2 is invalid
./include/inifile.h:39: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/inifile.h:42: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/inifile.h:43: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/inifile.h:44: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/soundengine.h:20: error: ‘Uint8’ was not declared in this scope
./include/soundengine.h:20: error: template argument 1 is invalid
./include/soundengine.h:20: error: template argument 2 is invalid
./include/soundengine.h:20: error: invalid type in declaration before ‘;’ token
./include/soundengine.h:23: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Mix_Chunk’ with no type
./include/soundengine.h:23: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/soundengine.h:27: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/soundengine.h:55: error: ‘Uint8’ has not been declared
./include/soundengine.h:75: error: ‘SDL_AudioCVT’ does not name a type
./include/soundengine.h:76: error: ‘SDL_AudioCVT’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:19: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:20: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/../vfs/archive.h:22: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:23: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:24: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:25: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:26: error: ‘readLine’ declared as a ‘virtual’ field
./include/../vfs/archive.h:26: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘(’ token
./include/../vfs/archive.h:31: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:32: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:33: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:34: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:35: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/../vfs/archive.h:36: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/../vfs/archive.h:37: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/../vfs/archive.h:39: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/../vfs/archive.h:39: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/../vfs/archive.h:40: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/../vfs/archive.h:40: error: ‘Sint32’ has not been declared
./include/../vfs/archive.h:42: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:43: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/../vfs/archive.h:44: error: ‘getPath’ declared as a ‘virtual’ field
./include/../vfs/archive.h:44: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘(’ token
./include/vfs.h:17: error: expected `) before ‘filenum’
./include/vfs.h:27: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:31: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:35: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:39: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:43: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/vfs.h:48: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:52: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:56: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:60: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:86: error: ‘Uint32’ has not been declared
./include/vfs.h:90: error: ‘Sint32’ has not been declared
./include/vfs.h:94: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:98: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h:108: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vfs.h: In destructor ‘VFile::~VFile()’:
./include/vfs.h:23: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: In member function ‘char* VFile::getLine(char*, int)’:
./include/vfs.h:45: error: ‘class Archive’ has no member named ‘readLine’
./include/vfs.h:45: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: In member function ‘void VFile::writeLine(const char*)’:
./include/vfs.h:66: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: In member function ‘int VFile::vfs_printf(const char*, ...)’:
./include/vfs.h:73: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: In member function ‘int VFile::vfs_vprintf(const char*, char*)’:
./include/vfs.h:79: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: In member function ‘void VFile::flush()’:
./include/vfs.h:83: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: In member function ‘void VFile::seekSet(int)’:
./include/vfs.h:88: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: In member function ‘void VFile::seekCur(int)’:
./include/vfs.h:92: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: In member function ‘const char* VFile::getPath()’:
./include/vfs.h:105: error: ‘class Archive’ has no member named ‘getPath’
./include/vfs.h:105: error: ‘filenum’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h: At global scope:
./include/vfs.h:123: error: ‘const char* VFS_getFirstExisting’ redeclared as different kind of symbol
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon Felix » 09.03.2007, 17:36

Code: Alles auswählen
./include/vfs.h:122: error: previous declaration of ‘const char* VFS_getFirstExisting(const std::vector<const char*, std::allocator<const char*> >&)’
./include/vfs.h:123: error: ‘Uint32’ was not declared in this scope
./include/vfs.h:123: error: expected primary-expression before ‘...’ token
./include/vqa.h:12: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:13: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:14: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:15: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:16: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:17: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:18: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:19: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:20: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:21: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:22: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:23: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:24: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:25: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:26: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:27: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:28: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:29: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:30: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:49: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:50: error: ‘SDL_Surface’ has not been declared
./include/vqa.h:52: error: ‘Uint8’ has not been declared
./include/vqa.h:53: error: ‘Uint8’ has not been declared
./include/vqa.h:54: error: ‘SDL_Color’ has not been declared
./include/vqa.h:61: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:62: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:63: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Uint8’ with no type
./include/vqa.h:63: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/vqa.h:64: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Uint8’ with no type
./include/vqa.h:64: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/vqa.h:65: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Uint8’ with no type
./include/vqa.h:65: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/vqa.h:66: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Uint32’ with no type
./include/vqa.h:66: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/vqa.h:67: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:68: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:70: error: ‘Sint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:71: error: ‘Sint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:82: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:85: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:86: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:87: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:88: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:89: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:90: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:91: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/vqa.h:92: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:14: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘SDL_Surface’ with no type
./include/wsa.h:14: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/wsa.h:15: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Uint8’ with no type
./include/wsa.h:15: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/wsa.h:16: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Uint8’ with no type
./include/wsa.h:16: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
./include/wsa.h:17: error: ‘SDL_Color’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:18: error: ‘Uint8’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:21: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:22: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:23: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:24: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:25: error: ‘Uint16’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:26: error: ‘Uint32’ does not name a type
./include/wsa.h:27: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Uint32’ with no type
./include/wsa.h:27: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
freecnc.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
freecnc.cpp:86: error: ‘SDL_INIT_VIDEO’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:86: error: ‘SDL_INIT_AUDIO’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:86: error: ‘SDL_INIT_TIMER’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:86: error: ‘SDL_Init’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:87: error: ‘SDL_GetError’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:97: error: ‘SDL_ShowCursor’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:119: error: ‘Uint8’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:119: error: expected `; before ‘ret’
freecnc.cpp:124: error: ‘ret’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:126: error: ‘ret’ was not declared in this scope
freecnc.cpp:130: error: ‘const struct ConfigType’ has no member named ‘intro’
freecnc.cpp: In function ‘void cleanup()’:
freecnc.cpp:201: error: ‘SDL_Quit’ was not declared in this scope
make[1]: *** [freecnc.o] Fehler 1
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis /home/felix/freecnc++/src
make: *** [default] Fehler 2
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 04.03.2007, 01:57
Wohnort: Hessen

Beitragvon f4bs » 09.03.2007, 19:04

gibs in den freecnc-sources keine datei namens "configure" ?? Die überprüft doch, ob alles nötige zum kompilieren vorhanden ist.
Zuletzt geändert von f4bs am 09.03.2007, 19:04, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 26
Registriert: 06.03.2007, 18:46
Wohnort: rand Berlin


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