Project Offset

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Project Offset

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 23.08.2006, 14:56


Project Offset (Arbeitstitel) ist ein Grafisch Atemberaubender first-person shooter in einer Epischen Fantasy Welt.

Entwickler des Spiels ist Offset Software.

Eine Veröffentlichung für Linux wird nicht ausgeschlossen !

Wir dürfen gespannt sein. =)

Bild veröffentlichte einen Artikel dazu und ein kleines Interview.


Is the new publisher good/bad/neutral news regarding the possibility of a Linux port (in terms both financial and of the potential hostility towards Linux version on the publishers part)?

Its too early to say at this point. Our publisher would probably not be happy about us taking time away from the development of the game on Windows and console platforms to create a Linux port, but I doubt they would be adverse to a Linux release after the main release of the game. Its really just a matter of resources and if well be able to fit it in. Since we are a technology licensing company as well as game developer, having the engine up and running on Linux is obviously a plus for potential licensees, so that gives us another incentive to do the port that other game companies might not have. Id remain hopeful. (-:

In one of your posts you mentioned the engine was being written "with portability in mind". Does this mean projects like the upcoming Red 5 Studios MMO game, licensing the Offset engine from you, are more likely to support Linux (or, for that thing, Mac OS X) in the future?

Linux will at least be supported by our game as a means to run dedicated servers. The engine is definitely quite portable for the most part, though a not-insignificant amount of work would still have to be done to port the core rendering code to OpenGL in order to run the client on Linux without an emulator. I hope to find some time to do this porting during development, but its just not something I can make a priority. If I am able to fit this into our dev schedule, then I suppose it could translate into support for Linux by our licensees, too, but they have their own set of priorities and I cant speak for them.

The game has succeeded in drawing fans from the FPS and RPG audiences so far, thanks to the amazing engine and the fantasy setting (rarely seen in FPS games in the past few years). Are you considering adding additional RPG elements (apart from those already mentioned on your website) to make this new kind of audience happy?

Were making an action game, first and foremost, but I think the RPG crowd will be happy with some of the things we have planned. Thats all the detail I can give you right now!

What is the current state of development? Is there anything your fans can do right now to support the project?

In the early days of this project we were able to survive partly on donations from our fans, which was amazing. Our fans have been so generous and supportive, and we cant thank them enough. Weve since taken the donations link down, but we encourage everyone to pass around links to our sneak peek vids and get the word out there about Project Offset.

LinuxGames Artikel plus vollständiges Interview

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<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

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