PokerTH 0.9 veröffentlicht!

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PokerTH 0.9 veröffentlicht!

Beitragvon ChemicalBrother » 05.01.2012, 12:31

PokerTH, ein Spiel, womit man Poker in der Variante "Texas Hold'em" gegen Bots oder menschliche Mitspieler im Net spielen kann, ist in der Version 0.9 veröffentlicht! Gegenüber der 0.8.x Version hat sich geändert (Copypasta aus dem Changelog):

  • Players are able to rejoin internet games after being disconnected
  • The chat bot is now also present in ranking games
  • Tooltip and rating system for other players- Linking connected players in the game info box to poker-heroes player data
  • Country flag name is displayed in a tooltip
  • New game list filter (show only ranking games)
  • Show cards chances also after fold
  • Private messages in the lobby chat are possible (use /msg command)
  • Automatically leave the table after the game finished (optional)
  • After a certain timeout, players are switched to an "autofold" state
  • Maximum limit for highest set and minimum raise
  • Automatic notifications before server restart
  • Ensure that the ranking data is stored even if the DB server is not available
  • Support single internet server password
  • Optional unlimited thinking time in network games
  • Performance improvements in network code
  • Sound when blinds increase
  • Several small bugfixes

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Beiträge: 5332
Registriert: 21.08.2006, 21:17
Wohnort: Langen
Lizenz: CC
Distribution: Arch Linux
Kernelversion: 6.0

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