OilRush 0.90 veröffentlicht!

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OilRush 0.90 veröffentlicht!

Beitragvon ubuntu-gaming » 11.11.2011, 08:00

OilRush ist nun in Version 0.90 verfügbar. Neuerungen sind diesmal:

* Added "Dragon's heart" map (3 players)
* Added "Pacific" map (3 players)
* Added "Cross" map (4 players)
* Added "Turnaround" map (4 players)
* Improved environment in tutorials
* Updated "Cross" map environment
* Updated "Sabotage" map environment

* More cinematic "Follow the fleet" mode
* Added a signal marker on the minimap for multi-player teammates ("i" minimap button)
* Lesser healing effect from the repair barge
* Smarter usage of the Nuke by AI

* Implemented sound ducking system
* Fixed multiple crashes
* Fixed Linux packaging problems

* Improved technology tree usability
* Fixed the wind generators animation
* Animated elements in the main menu
* Changed splash screens
* Changed the summoning animation for a convertiplane and a submarine
* Optimized industrial environment

* Added new unit explosion sounds
* Added the sound for Unigine logo screen
* Changed victory/defeat sounds

* More verbose info panel for towers, units, platforms and skills
* Changed a button for cancelling tower construction/upgrade
* Added info on applied skills onto the info panel
* Added new icons for a minimap: oil storage, raiders base
* Added tooltips for all panels (unit count, oil, 25/50/100% selection)
* Fewer notifications on minor events

* Added a lot of hotkeys (to activate technology tree, jump to the weakest platform, set 25/50/100% fleet size, choose any of the active skills)
* Snapping of the skill cursor to platforms on the minimap
* Platform construction mode can be enabled by double-clicking on any tower

Das Spiel lässt sich im Unigine Store und im Ubuntu Software Center für knapp 20 $ erwerben. Bei Desura kostet das Spiel 14,99€.
Beiträge: 170
Registriert: 20.08.2010, 17:38
Wohnort: Greffern
Lizenz: GPL
Distribution: Ubuntu
Kernelversion: 2.6.32 pae

Re: OilRush 0.90 veröffentlicht!

Beitragvon ChemicalBrother » 11.11.2011, 11:03

Warum ein Freitagsrelease? Dann muss ich doch wieder bis Montag auf ein Release in Desura warten... :-(
Beiträge: 5332
Registriert: 21.08.2006, 21:17
Wohnort: Langen
Lizenz: CC
Distribution: Arch Linux
Kernelversion: 6.0

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