Neverwinter Nights 1.68- Letzter Offizieller Patch

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Neverwinter Nights 1.68- Letzter Offizieller Patch

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 31.08.2006, 19:18


Dies ist der wohl letzte, offizielle Patch für das Mittelalterliche Fantasy Online Rollenspiel Neverwinter Nights !
Bioware hofft das, nachdem Atari den support eingestellt hat, nun Fans auch zum Nachfolger Neverwinter Nights 2 wechseln.

Homepage - Komplettes Changelog - Download

Aktuelle Änderungen:

Neverwinter Nights Game

- Added visible cloaks to the game.

- Fixed an issue with the Monks Perfect Self feat not correctly reporting that the monk was immune when making saving throws against mind-affecting spells (was making Phantasmal Killer work on monks if they failed their saving throws).


- Fixed an issue with the sleep spell not being counted as a hostile action when cast (nw_s0_sleep.nss).

-Fixed range issue in spell "Mestils Acid Breath" (X2_S0_AcidBrth.nss).

Custom Content

-Added new scripting command:
// Set oPlaceables useable object status.
// Note: Only works on non-static placeables.
void SetUseableFlag(object oPlaceable, int nUseableFlag);

-Added new nwnplayer.ini setting.
[Game Options] Log Model Errors=0
If turned on, some types of model errors will be logged out to the nwclientLog file and the AR_ERROR.LOG file while the game is running (in the NWN install directory). This would include some errors with setting invalid TileSet data, invalid use nodes set on placables, some placeable walkmesh errors, and some errors with the animrootnode not matching the name of other nodes in the model.

-Wings now use the ENVMAP setting from the new column in the WingModel.2da rather than using the ENVMAP setting from the appearance.2da. This fixes some issues with transparency on wings.

-Tails now use the ENVMAP setting from the new column in the TailModel.2da rather than using the ENVMAP setting from the appearance.2da. This fixes some issues with transparency on tails.
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

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