- Gameplay: Added fog of war; group movement and basic formations; victory conditions; health bars; hunting and fishing; population limits; repair command.
- Performance: Improved pathfinder performance greatly. Moved data files into a zip file for faster loading. Added automatic texture compression; Added streaming music decompression.
- GUI: Completely new in-game GUI. Improved minimap, added unit-following camera mode, added building rotation keys.
- Art: Savanna biome (terrain set, flora and fauna such as baobab and giraffes); All Celtic buildings revamped or remodeled; Greek fishing boat; Theban Sacred Band; Hellenistic Spartan Phalangite; Eyecandy such as broken and fallen columns, unfinished Greek temple, Royal Stoa, stone fence, etc.
- Multiple new maps and scenarios to play.
Wildfire Games schreibt auch gleich noch, wo es zur Zeit beim Spiel noch Raum für Verbesserungen gibt:
- There is no computer opponent AI yet. In single-player games the enemy does nothing.
- There is no random map generation yet.
- Many unit stats are still unbalanced.
- Many planned gameplay features are not added yet: There is no research, no auras, no rank upgrades, no settlements and territories, no resource dropsites, etc.
- Many bugs and small missing features.
- There is no multiplayer matchmaking service. You have to connect by IP address. (More convenient ways may be implemented in the future).
Weiteres kann man auf der Seite von 0 A.D. nachlesen:
0 A.D. Homepage
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