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Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 29.09.2006, 20:41

Es gibt neue Technische News von der Jagd nach Ausserirdischen Signalen ! :)

Kurz: Im moment ist man gerade auf der Suche nach einem neuen Server für die "master science database".
Daraus ergibt sich dann das der Server, "geplant", für einige Zeit nicht erreichbar sein wird.
Wie, Was und Wann genau wird noch bekannt gegeben !

Wenn alles korrekt eingerichtet ist, alle Daten bereinigt sind will man sich endlich der weiteren Analyse der Ergebnisse ,"terabyte of spikes, gaussians, pulses, and triplets", widmen... :)

"The new drive enclosure (to read drives full of data from Arecibo) didnt work. Long story, but the bottom line is we arent exactly sure why and were tired of screwing around with what will be the new master science database server. So were changing plans a bit. Basically well put the enclosure on some other server - we just arent exactly sure which one yet (need to first determine bandwidth requirements, PCI card support, etc.). Well get the data on-line soon somehow, and then splitting it into workunits will follow.

What this all means is that we are no longer waiting on anything to do the final step of the science database migration. And what that means is a semi-outage (during which splitters and assimilators will be turned off) of a day or so as we move all the remaining data to the new server. Then a complete (but shorter) outage to point everything over to the new database and make sure it is behaving properly. This may happen during our usual Tuesday outage next week. Well post something on the front page as the big event approaches.

It should be stated that about a month ago we finally got the SETHI project up and running again. At least some science is getting done with the data we are collecting at Arecibo - one of the most detailed maps of hydrogen in the local interstellar medium. But what about interesting SETI candidates for reobservation? What happened to those?

Well, work on the next phase of candidate generation has been blocked (for a very long time) behind other big tasks (moving the whole project over to BOINC, getting a new data recorder developed, installed, tested, and put into production, migrating data and bringing the new science database server online, putting out countless figurative fires...). Once the new database is in play we still have to do significant analysis and data correction before we can to work at finding E.T. hiding within a terabyte of spikes, gaussians, pulses, and triplets."

>> Original
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 04.10.2006, 21:07

"We are in the middle of database maintenance and currently have no work to send out. We should have new work later today."

Im moment sind die jungs mitten drin in der Datenbank Wartung und senden keine neuen WUs raus!
In kürze soll es aber wieder welche geben :)
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 05.10.2006, 09:09

"Update: We are wrapping up a database upgrade and ran out of work to send out. However, we are now finally creating more. Expect heavy traffic on our servers."

..und schon geht es wieder weiter :)

Im moment sind "16,489 Results ready to send".
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 08.10.2006, 21:27

Die BOINC grössen Eric Korpela und David Anderson wurden von Mike OConnell (BOINC UK) interviewed.
Die Aufzeichnung des Gespräches gibt es als MP3 zum Download -> klick (13,5mb)
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

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