Wer Mumble nicht kennt: Es ist in etwa wie TeamSpeak, aber hat eine bessere Soundqualität und ist Opensource. Außerdem verwendet es ALSA und nicht das veraltete OSS.
Ich habe es getestet, die Tonqualität war wirklich überzeugend!
Hier noch eine Beschreibung von der Homepage:
Low-latency, high-quality voice communication for gamers
Mumble is a low-latency, high quality voice chat application intended for use alongside computer games.
* Its primary features are: Very low latency.
* Denoising of audio.
* Automatic volume control so all players are equally loud.
* Unlimited number of channels with as deep a nesting as desired.
* Per-channel groups and access control lists.
* In-game overlay showing users status.
The design goal of mumble is to have audio quality just as good as if you were sitting in the same room, a goal that has largely been achieved. Current emphasis is on interchannel communication, to enable a mumble-connected community to work better than if they were in the same room.
Quelle: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/