Ich hab mir heute UT2k4 auf mein Notebook installiert, die Installation klappte problemlos, aber wenn ich es starte, dann wird der komplette Bildschirm schwarz und es rührt sich nigs mehr ;(, auch wenn ich in ~/.ut2004/System/UT2004.ini festlege, dass er nicht in Vollbild starten soll.
Hier ist meine UT2004.log:
- Code: Alles auswählen
Log: Log file open, Sun Aug 12 10:47:52 2007
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Version: 3369 (128.29)
Init: Compiled: Dec 16 2005 13:23:47
Init: Command line:
Init: (This is Linux patch version 3369.2)
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: /opt/ut2004/System/
Init: Ini:UT2004.ini UserIni:User.ini
Init: Build label: UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Your ini had WinDrv...Forcing use of SDLDrv instead.
Log: Your ini had D3DDrv...Forcing use of OpenGLDrv instead.
Log: Initializing OpenGLDrv...
Log: binding libGL.so.1
Log: Game class is GameInfo
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 12.757805...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: NvidiaLogo.ut2?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 33857->33854; refs: 350140
Log: Game class is CinematicGame
Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 14.520414...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
Log: Exporting DM-BP2-GoopGod.....Successful!
Log: Exporting DM-BP2-Calandras.....Successful!
Log: Exporting CTF-BP2-Pistola.....Successful!
Log: Exporting CTF-BP2-Concentrate.....Successful!
Log: Exporting AS-BP2-Thrust.....Successful!
Warning: Missing Cubemap Cubemap AW-Cubes.Cubes.MesaEnv2
Warning: Missing Cubemap Cubemap AW-Cubes.Cubes.MesaEnv1
Log: Exporting AS-BP2-SubRosa.....Successful!
Log: Exporting AS-BP2-Outback.....Successful!
Log: Exporting AS-BP2-Jumpship.....Successful!
Log: Exporting AS-BP2-Acatana.....Successful!
Log: ALAudio: Using ALC_EXT_capture to record audio.
ScriptLog: New Player Player id=73ef19689e9f56ce62ca00b14a1bf089
Log: TTS: No output filename specified.
Log: Enter SetRes: 800x600 Fullscreen 1
Log: OpenGL
Log: GL_VENDOR : Tungsten Graphics, Inc
Log: GL_RENDERER : Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE2
Log: GL_VERSION : 1.3 Mesa 6.5.2
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_bgra
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_compression
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_multitexture
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_multisample
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_fragment_program
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_vertex_program
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
Log: OpenGL: Device supports: GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
Log: OpenGL: C32 RGB888 Z24 S8
Log: OpenGL: Level of anisotropy is 1.000000 (max 2.000000).
Log: OpenGL: Have 0 multisamples buffers, 0 samples.
Log: OpenGL: Failed to get a multisample GL context
Log: OpenGL: Forcibly disabled pixel shaders.
Log: WARNING: OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support for good performance.
Log: WARNING: no support for combine3/4 extensions -> not all blend modes supported
Log: OpenGL: Forcibly disabled render-to-texture.
Log: Startup time: 22.476538 seconds
Log: Precaching: NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
Log: Allocating 32768 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.059 seconds
Developer Backtrace:
Log: [ 1] ./ut2004-bin [0x874bdd9]
Log: [ 2] [0xffffe420]
Log: [ 3] /lib/libc.so.6(memcpy+0x1c) [0xb7d8cbfc]
Log: [ 4] /usr/lib/dri/i915tex_dri.so(intel_region_data+0xfc) [0xb3d6187a]
Log: Unreal Call Stack: FOpenGLRenderInterface::DrawPrimitive <- RenderStaticMesh <- FDynamicActor::Render <- RenderLevel <- FLevelSceneNode::Render <- FPlayerSceneNode::Render <- UGameEngine::Draw <- USDLViewport::Repaint <- USDLClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- Updat
Hat jemand eine Idee woran das liegen kann?
Danke im Voraus und noch einen schoenen Tag