Hier könnt ihr Probleme, Anmerkungen, Infos, Beschreibungen,... zu nativen Linux-Games posten.
Moderator: Moderator
von AndyX » 28.05.2020, 17:42
Habe mal wieder Saints Row 4 installiert, und ich bin mir sicher das es schon mal lief. Leider stürzt es zur Zeit immer ab wenn ich die Hauptmission "Die Fluch" "Breche aus der Simulation aus" starten will. Hier mal der Crashreport, vielleicht hat jemand von euch ne Idee
- Code: Alles auswählen
System Information:
OS Version:
Linux Distribution: Arch Linux
Kernel Version: 5.6.14-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 20 May 2020 20:43:19 +0000
Hardware Info:
Machine Type MSI MS-7A68 1.0
CPU Type GenuineIntel x86_64
CPU Info Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
CPU Speed 4200 MHz
CPU Physical Cores 4
CPU Logical Cores 8
Physical Memory 16357180 KiB
Virtual Memory 0 KiB
Crash Dump:
35afe278-6238-eaf1-109be37e-4deb7093.dmp (427320 bytes)
Application Log:
[thread ffffffff][I][1]: Log system initialised
[thread ffffffff][I][6]: Default allowed number of simultaneously open files in the system is 2448.
[thread ffffffff][I][6]: Current memlock limit is 1048576.
[thread ffffffff][I][6]: setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK) failed, (1) Operation not permitted
[thread ffffffff][I][99]: setup_teb_register() - using LDT entry 13
[thread 00000001][I][100]: Linux kernel version: 5.6.14-arch1-1
[thread 00000001][I][100]: Linux glibc version: 2.31
[thread 00000001][I][179]: Forcing OpenGL Core context usage
[thread 00000001][I][213]: OpenGL Core context version 4.1 detected
[thread 00000001][I][730]: OpenGL information:
[thread 00000001][I][730]: renderer: GeForce GTX 650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
[thread 00000001][I][730]: vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
[thread 00000001][I][730]: version: 4.1.0 NVIDIA 440.82
[thread 00000001][I][730]: GLSL version: 4.10 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Detected NVidia card
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Max surface size: 16384
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: texture_storage: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: copy_image: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: texture_storage_multisample: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: texture_view: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: ATI_separate_stencil: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: EXT_stencil_two_side: no
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: texture_filter_anisotropic: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: explicit_attrib_location: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: compressed 3D textures (VTC): yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: clear_buffer_object: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Supported and usable: clear_texture: yes
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Available texture memory (from NVidia extension): 2097152 kB
[thread 00000001][I][730]: Multisample textures test:
[thread 00000001][I][732]: GL_RGBA8 (0x8058): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][733]: GL_RGBA8UI (0x8d7c): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][734]: GL_RGBA8I (0x8d8e): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][735]: GL_RGBA12 (0x805a): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][737]: GL_RGBA16 (0x805b): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][738]: GL_RGBA16F (0x881a): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][741]: GL_RGBA32 (0x8814): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][742]: GL_RGBA16I (0x8d88): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][745]: GL_RGBA16UI (0x8d76): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][748]: GL_RGBA32I (0x8d82): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][751]: GL_RGBA32UI (0x8d70): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][752]: GL_RGB8 (0x8051): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][755]: GL_RGB32F (0x8815): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][758]: GL_RGB32I (0x8d83): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][760]: GL_RGB32UI (0x8d71): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][761]: GL_RG8 (0x822b): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][762]: GL_RG16 (0x822c): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][763]: GL_RG16F (0x822f): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][765]: GL_RG32F (0x8230): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][765]: GL_RG8I (0x8237): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][766]: GL_RG8UI (0x8238): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][767]: GL_RG16I (0x8239): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][768]: GL_RG16UI (0x823a): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][770]: GL_RG32I (0x823b): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][771]: GL_RG32UI (0x823c): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][772]: GL_R8 (0x8229): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][772]: GL_R16 (0x822a): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][773]: GL_R16F (0x822d): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][774]: GL_R32F (0x822e): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][774]: GL_R8I (0x8231): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][775]: GL_R8UI (0x8232): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][775]: GL_R16I (0x8233): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][776]: GL_R16UI (0x8234): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][777]: GL_R32I (0x8235): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][778]: GL_R32UI (0x8236): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][778]: GL_R8_SNORM (0x8f94): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][779]: GL_R16_SNORM (0x8f98): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][779]: GL_RG8_SNORM (0x8f95): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][780]: GL_RG16_SNORM (0x8f99): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][781]: GL_RGBA8_SNORM (0x8f97): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][783]: GL_RGBA16_SNORM (0x8f9b): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][784]: GL_SRGB8 (0x8c41): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][785]: GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 (0x8c43): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][786]: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F (0x8cac): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][787]: GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 (0x88f0): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][787]: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 (0x81a5): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][788]: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 (0x81a6): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][790]: GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 (0x8cad): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][791]: GL_RGB10_A2 (0x8059): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][792]: GL_RGB10_A2UI (0x906f): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][793]: GL_R11F_G11F_B10F (0x8c3a): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][793]: GL_RGB565 (0x8d62): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][794]: GL_RGB5_A1 (0x8057): 32 samples
[thread 00000001][I][794]: GL_RGB9_E5 (0x8c3d): 1 samples
[thread 00000001][I][794]: Gamepads: SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG - 03000000de280000fc11000001000000,Steam Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,
03000000de280000ff11000001000000,Steam Virtual Gamepad,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,
[thread 00000001][I][794]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000de280000fc11000001000000
[thread 00000001][I][795]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000de280000ff11000001000000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d0400001dc2000014400000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d0400001ec2000020200000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000019c2000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d0400001fc2000005030000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000016c2000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000011c2000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000019c2000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000018c2000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d0400009ac2000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d0400009bc2000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000020b3000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000023b3000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000009d0000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000008d0000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000000b3000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000015b3000006000000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000008916000000fd000024010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000008916000001fd000024010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000321500000009000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 050000003215000000090000163a0000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 05000000362800000100000002010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 05000000362800000100000003010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 050000007e0500003003000001000000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006f0e00001304000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006f0e00001f01000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008502000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008902000021010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008e02000014010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008e02000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400001907000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400009102000007010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400009102000014010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008e02000004010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e040000d102000001010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000100800000100000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000250900000500000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006f0e00003001000001010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 060000004c0500006802000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004c0500006802000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 050000004c050000c405000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004c050000c405000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0500000047532047616d657061640000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000ba2200002010000001010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000a306000023f6000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000008f0e00000300000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000008f0e00001200000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000260900008888000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 05000000d6200000ad0d000001000000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0300000000f000000300000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0300000000f00000f100000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000280400000140000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006f0e00001e01000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000ad1b000001f5000033050000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000790000000600000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000666600000488000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000790000001100000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008e02000062230000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0500000047532047616d657061640000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000ba2200002010000001010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000019c2000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d0400001dc2000014400000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d0400001ec2000020200000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000019c2000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d0400001fc2000005030000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004c0500006802000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008e02000014010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008e02000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400001907000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004c050000c405000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000de280000ff11000001000000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000100800000100000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000a306000023f6000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000020b3000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000023b3000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000008f0e00000300000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000008f0e00001200000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400009102000007010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000016c2000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000260900008888000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000011c2000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006d04000018c2000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 05000000d6200000ad0d000001000000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000009d0000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000008d0000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0300000000f000000300000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0300000000f00000f100000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006f0e00001f01000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000280400000140000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000005e0400008902000021010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000006f0e00001e01000011010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000250900000500000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000008916000000fd000024010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000004f04000000b3000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000ad1b000001f5000033050000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 050000004c050000c405000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 060000004c0500006802000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000790000000600000010010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 03000000666600000488000000010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 05000000362800000100000002010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 05000000362800000100000003010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 030000008916000001fd000024010000
[thread 00000001][I][796]: Gamepads: registered gamepad mapping for device GUID 0000000058626f782047616d65706100
[thread 00000001][I][809]: Command line: '"C:\mnt\DatenSpeicher\SteamBibliothek\steamapps\common\Saints Row IV\sre4_pc_release_final_dx11.exe" -debug'
[thread 00000001][E][875]: eON_GetProcAddress( 0x1693db0 ) for module 0x102ea080, in dylib 'crypt32.dll' FAILED, symbol 'CryptBinaryToStringW' not found! Returning EmptyFunction()
[thread 00000001][I][875]: TomCrypt initializing...
[thread 00000001][I][877]: TomCrypt initialized
[thread 00000001][I][879]: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH start.
[thread 00000001][I][879]: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH done.
[thread 00000004][W][880]: eON_HeapSetInformation() - requested heap corruption termination, ignoring
[thread 00000004][W][895]: REGISTRY OPERATION: RegOpenKeyExW() returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND (subkey not found) key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, subkey = Control Panel\Desktop
[thread 00000004][I][1963]: D3D11CreateDevice( pAdapter = 0xf193f844, DriverType = 0, Software = (nil), Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = (nil), FeatureLevels = 0, SDKVersion = 0x7, ppDevice = 0xf1bfed7c, pFeatureLevel = 0x77a0164, ppImmediateContext = 0xf1bfed44 )
[thread 00000004][I][1963]: D3D11CreateDevice( SDKVersion = 7 ) created device 0xf1988170 and immediate context 0xf196ad80
[thread 00000006][I][1963]: D3D11: OpenGL thread start
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: Direct3D -> OpenGL context information:
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: renderer: GeForce GTX 650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: version: 4.1.0 NVIDIA 440.82
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: GLSL version: 4.10 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max color attachment and draw buffers: 8
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max texture image units: 192
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max vertex shader uniform blocks: 14
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max geometry shader uniform blocks: 14
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max fragment shader uniform blocks: 14
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max hull shader uniform blocks: 14
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max domain shader uniform blocks: 14
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max compute shader uniform blocks: 14
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max viewports: 16
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max uniform buffer bindings: 84
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: uniform buffer offset alignment: 256
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: shader storage buffer offset alignment: 16
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max pixel shader UAVs: 8
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max compute shader UAVs: 8
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: max UAVs: 8
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: buffer_storage support: yes
[thread 00000006][I][2013]: compressed_texture_pixel_storage support: yes
[thread 00000004][W][2163]: Game wants to disable DXGI reacting to window changes (monitoring app message queue) for window 0xf192f030. Ignoring.
[thread 00000004][W][2163]: Game wants to enable DXGI reacting to Alt-Enter fullscreen toggle.
[thread 00000004][W][2242]: eON_HeapSetInformation() - requested low-fragmentation heap, ignoring
[thread 00000004][W][2244]: Raw Input: NOHOTKEYS flag specified for a keyboard device. We're ignoring it.
[thread 00000004][I][2244]: Raw Input: keyboard device wanted, legacy messages: on
[thread 00000004][I][2244]: Raw Input: mouse device wanted, legacy messages: on
[thread 00000004][I][2269]: Initializing primary sound buffer
[thread 00000006][I][2482]: Precompiled shader cache loaded: binary shaders: 1577, GLSL shaders: 2089, GLSL pipelines: 1131
[thread 00000006][I][2774]: Replacing shader CRC:0xfb47ae5 size:6558 with new one from file 'vs_6558_0xfb47ae5.txt'
[thread 00000006][I][3504]: Replacing shader CRC:0x453a8aed size:6616 with new one from file 'vs_6616_0x453a8aed.txt'
[thread 00000004][I][8647]: Enumerating COM libraries...
[thread 0000001c][W][25148]: CopySubresourceRegion called with two not compatible formats, skipping call. It's one time warning.
[thread 00000007][I][34915]: ===enforcing log flush===
- Beiträge: 44
- Registriert: 23.03.2011, 15:44
- Lizenz: GPL
von ChemicalBrother » 28.05.2020, 20:25
Ist jetzt keine Lösung für dein Problem, eher eine Alternative: Zur Not kannst du das Spiel mit Proton starten. Dann müsstest du das Spiel nochmal runterladen. Die Berichte auf ProtonDB heißen, manche konnten die native Version nicht zum Laufen bringen, in Proton funktioniert es wenigstens (gelegentliche Abstürze, aber nicht so wie bei dir).

- Beiträge: 5332
- Registriert: 21.08.2006, 21:17
- Wohnort: Langen
- Lizenz: CC
- Distribution: Arch Linux
- Kernelversion: 6.0
von AndyX » 30.05.2020, 08:29
Steam Beta Update bzw Proton ist schon mal eine gute Idee. War aber nicht die Lösung, weil Problem ein veralteter Mod war.
Spiel neu installiert und die letzte Version des Mod drauf gepackt und jetzt kann ich auch die Mission starten ohne das es abstürzt.
- Beiträge: 44
- Registriert: 23.03.2011, 15:44
- Lizenz: GPL
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