Wen ich nun den installer laufen lasse kommt folgende meldung:
- Code: Alles auswählen
ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager
Detected configuration:
Architecture: i686 (32-bit)
X Server: X.Org 7.2.x
Detected version of X does not have a matching x720 directory
You may override the detected version using the following syntax:
X_VERSION=<xdir> ./ati-driver-installer-<ver>-<arch>.run [--install]
The following values may be used for <xdir>:
x430 XFree86 4.3.x
x430_64a XFree86 4.3.x 64-bit
x680 X.Org 6.8.x
x680_64a X.Org 6.8.x 64-bit
x690 X.Org 6.9.x
x690_64a X.Org 6.9.x 64-bit
x700 X.Org 7.0.x
x700_64a X.Org 7.0.x 64-bit
x710 X.Org 7.1.x
x710_64a X.Org 7.1.x 64-bit
Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install.fs7579
was nun?? hab ja eine nicht verfügbare version...oder kann ich einfach 7.1 nehmen??