RADV bekommt langsam(en) Raytracing-Support

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RADV bekommt langsam(en) Raytracing-Support

Beitragvon crt0mega » 28.07.2021, 12:28

Wie ich gerade gelesen habe, bekommt der freie Vulkan-Treiber für AMD-Grafikchips ab GCN und Bestandteil des Mesa-Treiberpaketes nun auch Unterstützung für Raytracing. Hier der Auszug aus Bas Nieuwenhuizens Blog:
I have not talked about raytracing in RADV for a while, but after some p̶r̶o̶c̶r̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ being focused on some other things I recently got back to it and achieved my next milestone.

In particular I have been hacking away at CTS and got to a point where CTS on dEQP-VK.ray_tracing.* runs to completion without crashes or hangs. Furthermore, I got the passrate to 90% of non-skiped tests. So we’re finally getting somewhere close to usable.

As further show that it is usable my fixes for CTS also fixed the corruption issues in Quake 2 RTX (Github version), delivering this image:

[align=center]There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.[/align]
Beiträge: 735
Registriert: 06.10.2014, 22:57
Lizenz: WTFPL
Distribution: debian/unstable
Kernelversion: 6.11.5-tkg-pds-llvm

Re: RADV bekommt langsam(en) Raytracing-Support

Beitragvon crt0mega » 12.10.2021, 19:04

Mit Mesa 21.3 kommt darüber hinaus auch Software-Raytracing für pre-RDNA2 GPUs.
what a time to be alive.jpg
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[align=center]There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.[/align]
Beiträge: 735
Registriert: 06.10.2014, 22:57
Lizenz: WTFPL
Distribution: debian/unstable
Kernelversion: 6.11.5-tkg-pds-llvm

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