Neuer Treiber für AMD Grafikkarten: 8.40.4

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Neuer Treiber für AMD Grafikkarten: 8.40.4

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 13.08.2007, 23:15


Kein wirklich spektakuläres Release. Einige Bug Fixes und eine kleine neuerung im Catalyst Control Center.
Aber nicht traurig sein, das Jahr geht zu ende und es soll ja noch in diesem Jahr ein ATI Treiber kommen der uns all das bringt was wir uns wünschen :)
AIGLX, Support für die aktuellsten Karten, Performance verbesserungen, usw.

-> Release Notes

Download (38mb)

Installations How-To:

Ubuntu: klick
Fedora: klick
OpenSuse: klick

Neue Features:

TV Out Functionality im Catalyst Control Center Linux Edition


- A black screen is no longer observed on some hardware when switching to the console or leaving the X window system when a Vesa framebuffer console driver is used. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28558

- Connecting a component Video display device launching X-Server no longer results in X-Server failing to start and the display device displaying a black screen. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28846

- The DRI no longer fails to initialize in the second server generation. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28847

- Pressing the identify displays function no longer results in display device 1 and 2 being incorrectly identified. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28848

- A Floating Point Exception error no longer occurs when launching amdcccle. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28849

Bekannte Probleme:

- Corruption may be observed with certain applications on some Linux distributions which enable the Composite extension by default, e.g., RHEL 5. If you are observing application corruption, please disable the Composite extension. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28224

- Using the xgl enabled x-server interface disables display switching hot plug support
There is no support for video playback on the second head in dual head mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-26985
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

Beitragvon ChemicalBrother » 15.08.2007, 01:08

Hm, sie haben tatsächlich das "video tearing" entfernt. :D
Beiträge: 5332
Registriert: 21.08.2006, 21:17
Wohnort: Langen
Lizenz: CC
Distribution: Arch Linux
Kernelversion: 6.0

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