Neuer Treiber, neues Glück.
Release Note
- The Xserver no longer crashes if the screen resolution is changed in horizontal or vertical desktop setup with a monitor that does not support DDC. Further details can be found in topic number 737-32223
- The Xserver no longer segfaults or fails to initialize DRI if a BusID was specified in an unexpected format in xorg.conf. Further details can be found in topic number 737-32224
- The Xserver no longer freezes on shutdown if atieventsd is running. Further details can be found in topic number 737-32225
- The first OpenGL application run after starting a session on Xserver version 1.4 no longer hangs. Further details can be found in topic number 737-32226
weiterhin bekannte Bugs
- On workstation hardware 3D applications will be corrupted if the screen width is not an integer multiple of 64 pixels, for example with a 1680x1050 wide screen display. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31720
- There is no support for video playback on the second head in dual head mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-26985
Desktop corruption may be noticed when dragging the overlay/video when using dual-display mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29578
- A black screen may be observed on some hardware when switching to the console or leaving the X window system when a Vesa framebuffer console driver is used. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30687
- Display flicker may be noticed when the gnome screen-saver starts
- Diagonal tearing may be noticed when playing a video file using a video player that utilizes the XVideo extension
- Video playback may look blocky when playing a video file using a video player that utilizes the XVideo extension
- Video Playback may display wrong colors and additional shadow images when cropping or expanding a video file using a video player that utilizes the XVideo extension
- Building RPM packages for Mandriva may fail
Download des Treibers (ca. 50 MB)
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Kurze Zusammenfassung von mir:
Positiv: AIGLX mit Compiz Fusion oder den kwin-kde4-Desktopeffekten scheinen jetzt benutzbar zu sein, zumindest läuft es bei mir flüssig.
Negativ: Schwarzer Bildschirm beim Wechseln in die Konsole, Logout, Neustarten, Runterfahren, der einem Systemfreeze gleichkommt. (Runterfahren aus der Konsole ala "sudo shutdown -h now" geht) (EDIT: Jetzt auf einmal funktioniert es wieder... Komisch. Kann ich auch grad nicht nachvollziehen...)