Der stand der dinge - ATI im Jahr 2007

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Der stand der dinge - ATI im Jahr 2007

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 04.07.2007, 18:44 veröffentlicht eine sehr interessante zusammenfassung , insider informationen und prognosen zu ATI und was in diesem Jahr "erreicht wurde" bzw. was , hoffentlich, noch kommen mag.

Zum Artikel

Ich zitiere mal die 2 , meiner meinung nach, interessantesten stellen:

"What I have seen from ATI since last July has been most notably the introduction of the AMD Catalyst Control Center Linux Edition. Officially, since last July there have been about 18 features added and 34 issues resolved with the driver between 8.27.10 and 8.38.6. Most of the "features" had been introduced earlier in the year and last year. The last major feature to have been implemented was the AMD Catalyst Control Center, which in the 8.37.6 driver had reached version 1.0."

"With the DirectX 10.0 Vista driver now out the door, the software engineers have been working on the new Linux driver (and one for Microsoft Windows XP as well).
AMD will not officially confirm this, of course.
While the features for this yet to be released driver cannot be officially corroborated, the driver should contain OpenGL improvements including support for Compiz/Beryl/Compiz Fusion, video playback improvements, and last but not least the overdue Radeon HD 2000 series support.
With the new driver should also come performance improvements after more than two years of waiting.
As to when one can use this new driver, I would hope for it to be out by December of this year at the very latest. If ATI cannot push out a driver within the next six months that address these outstanding issues, I would recommend that you eliminate any and all of your ATI products and avoid using them at all costs.

Für alle die nicht so gut Englisch können, es scheint als wäre AIGLX Support, OpenGL und Video wiedergabe verbesserungen sowie Radeon HD 2000 unterstützung in greifbare nähe.
Spätestens bis Dezember kann man mit einem neuen Treiber rechnen der dies alles unterstützt.
Dazu kommt auch endlich ein Performance sprung den man zuletzt vor 2 Jahren gesehen hat.
Sollte das alles so kommen, könnte AMD endlich zu NVIDIA unter Linux aufholen.
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

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